Donnerstag, 3. Februar 2011

Muslimbruder light

Der Liebling der westlichen Islamlobby und seine nützlichen Idioten

  • Von Tariq Ramadan, den Lieblingsmuslimbruder der westlichen Islamlobby, heisst es bei den Kuschkultursprösslingen immer als erstes, dass er mit dem Milieu, dem er entstammt, und dem er verbunden ist, nicht zu tun habe – bzw. nichts dafür könne, wie die Blüten aus den rot-grün-braunen Sumpfgebieten des (antisemitischen) Linksfaschistenmilieus eines Bernd Schmid von Labournet oder die Musterknaben der Schweizer Hofberichterstattung aus dem korrekt islamophilen Medienmilieu eines Beat Stauffer bieder-beflissen beteuern.. Muslimbruder Ramadan hat mit dem Islam, den er in europa propagiert, nichts zu tun, und das Moratorium für die Steinigung ist nur zur Aufklärung seiner Brüder über die moderate Scharia gedacht...

    Melanie Phillips über “The Flight of the Intellectuals” von Paul Berman – ad Ramadan:

    The Arab zone ended up as the only region in the entire planet in which a criminal on the fascist side of the war, and a major ideologue to boot, returned home in glory instead of disgrace. In that one region of the world, the old categories of supernatural phantasmagory about Jews and conspiracies continued to reign over the political imagination of huge and powerful political movements like the Muslim Brotherhood, and other movements as well.

    Yet as Berman goes on to show, Tariq Ramadan fails totally to repudiate this aspect of his grandfather’s history. Quoting Caroline Fourest, he dwells on her disclosure that Ramadan actively misleads by omitting to mention al Banna’s admiration for Mussolini or invocation of the German Reich. He goes on to emphasise how Ramadan also supports the supporters of mass murder of Jews and others – venerating the ‘spiritual leader’ of the Brotherhood, Sheikh Yusuf Qaradawi, who has boasted that he is ‘the enemy of Israel and the Mufti of martyrdom operations’ and that he will ‘shoot Allah’s enemies, the Jews’. (...)
  • The whole problem lies in the terrible fact that his personal milieu – his grandfather and his father, his family contacts, his intellectual tradition – is precisely the milieu that bears the principal responsibility for generating the modern theory of religious suicide-terror.
    ...Ramadan’s final message, a message in four parts. To wit: 1) Ramadan condemns terrorism. 2) he wants to understand terrorism, though not to justify it. 3) He understands terrorism so tenderly that he ends up justifying it. 4) He justifies it so thoroughly that he ends up defending it.
  • And then just as devastatingly, Berman shows in unsparing detail how systematically Ramadan’s avoidances are themselves avoided in the friendly publicity that comes his way
    by the useful idiots of the western intelligentsia who have fawned at the feet of this most manipulative of Islamists.